The Mountain Hoppers is a group of mountainbikers in the Netherlands. Originally it started as a group of collegues biking together after work. Then, many of us moved on to different employers but the group remained. In the mean time, other people have joined us such as new colleagues, friends, and family. We try to cycle a lot and keep each other up to date through our mailing list. We meet up regularly to bike at different events or just to go cycling on one of the regular mountainbike routes in the Netherlands. We also do short weekends and vacations together.
Originally, when we had to think for a name for the mailing list someone came up with the name mountainbiking jobhoppers, but that was quickly changed as we realised that the term jobhopper did not apply to everyone. So there we have it, a group of Mountain Hoppers from one of the flattest countries in the world!
This site also has a twitter feed that you can follow to keep up to date with new posts. For information, contact us by email.